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Online Lectures - Keeping in Touch

We are delighted to announce our programme of lectures for early 2021. As we mentioned earlier, all lectures will be delivered online via Zoom once a month on Thursdays at 7pm until May. Hopefully these will get us through the more dreary months and prepare us well for the gardening season ahead.

The schedule is as follows: 21 January: Cherrill Sands - Gardens in Surrey 18 February: Timothy Walker - Bordering on Insanity 18 March: Mark Saunders - Growing Vegetables 15 April: Barney Millard - Productive Greenhouse in Spring/Summer Further details for each lecture can be found on our Events page. In the heading section, you will see a link to Eventbrite where you can reserve a ticket for the event. As the events are held online it is essential that you book so joining links can be sent out in advance. These will be sent out at least two days in advance of each lecture. All DHHS members can join this programme of lectures for free so please remember to renew your membership for next year. Membership renewal forms were sent out to everyone last week. Do feel free to let your friends know about these lectures as they are most welcome to book a ticket for any of the lectures via Eventbrite for a cost of £4 per lecture. Inviting guests will give us a small amount of additional income so very much welcome. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom or Eventbrite and need some support, please do contact us. If you are unable to book via Eventbrite email me and I can send out a booking form.

We do hope you will join us for this exciting programme of lectures. More events including our Main Show in September will be announced in the New Year.

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