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Individual Membership £10
Membership Subscriptions run for the calendar year and are renewable in December / January.
Renewals can be made by BACS
Dunsfold & Hascombe Horticultural Society
Sort Code: 60 11 08
Account No. 16513371
Ref: Your Surname 'Subs'
Email completed form to
Membership Benefits
Attend 3-5 lectures per annum plus demonstrations and workshops
Join organised events, garden visits
Receive regular newsletters
Take part in the Society's annual shows
Free gardening advice from the RHS Advisory Service
Borrow copies of The Garden, RHS monthly publication, from the Membership Secretary
Obtain discounts (subject to certain conditions) from several local garden centres and nurseries upon presentation of current signed membership card. Click here for current list.
Invite guests to attend events (subject to availability) upon payment of suggested amount
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