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Beautiful Little Corner of Surrey

Every morning I wake up to another glorious Spring day and thank my lucky stars that I live in this remarkable part of Surrey, where the green tipped oaks just bursting bud, the purple haze of bluebells and the cacophony of birds are in abundance. The joy and respite our gardens give us during times like these should never be underestimated. Like me I’m sure you find that gardens can equally be a burden at this time, with the need to water our emerging seedlings and carefully planted containers, to battle the weeds that threaten to destroy all our hard work and to tackle new projects that we have been putting off for ‘another’ time. Right now all of these jobs take all my attention, but also allow for quiet contemplation and enjoyment of my garden. I hope people will continue to value the open, green spaces in our lives. Many organisations are running campaigns to ensure that our gardens and landscapes from the most historic to the smallest local public parks are maintained for our future. We all have a role to play in the preservation of these spaces. The Gardens Trust has launched their Unforgettable Gardens campaign and I would highly recommend supporting their work.

On Easter weekend we were delighted to announce the launch of the Society’s new website.  Somehow that timing seemed appropriate as we hope it will represent a 'rebirth' of the Society in the months to come. We thought it was time for members to have a place to go to find out more about what the Society is planning for events and meetings, share gardening advice and strengthen our existing community of gardening enthusiasts. We will provide regular updates on upcoming events and other news, so watch this space!  We welcome feedback on the website, particularly ways to ensure that it reflects everyone’s interests.  Do share with friends and other people in the community.  We are definitely welcoming new members and details on how to join can be found on the website.  You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram (links can be found in the footer on the website).

Many thanks to all those people who have contributed their time and expertise to getting the website live.  The lovely logo has been kindly designed by Sharon Westhead but with social distancing it remains a work-in-progress as well so do expect further refinements. Please stay safe and enjoy the Spring blossoms. Sheri

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