Daylight hours are getting fewer with sunset around 4pm these days. One needs to work quite efficiently and prioritise jobs to ensure you make the most of each day. Autumn colour is still glorious with many trees, especially the oaks, hanging onto their leaves still. Do stop to admire the breadth of colour in your garden and the surrounding area.
Top 10 jobs for the month of November
Clear up fallen leaves from lawns, borders and ponds. Leaves can be mulched to provide a rich compost for your borders next year. You can either shred them by running over them with a lawn mower or collect and store in a Jewson bag or separate compost bin.
Make a ‘dead hedge’ or build log piles with your woody waste and hedge cuttings rather than burning it. Both provide excellent habitats for insects and small animals and limit pollution.
Log pile and insect home Protect outdoor containers by raising them onto pot feet to prevent waterlogging and insulate containers from frost by using hessian sacking, fleece or used bubblewrap.
Plant spring flowering bulbs such as tulips, crocus and daffodils to ensure a beautiful and colourful display.
Prune shrub roses to prevent wind-rock. Don’t forget to remove any dead, diseased or damaged stems.

Start filling bird feeders to encourage winter birds into your garden. Make sure you leave some seed heads on your perennials for the birds as well.
Plant any new trees, shrubs or hedges while the soil is still moist, reasonably warm and easily dug. Check any recently planted trees to ensure they are well-heeled in and not prone to wind rock. You also want to ensure there are no air pockets around the roots as this can cause them to rot.
Divide early-summer flowering perennials and move to their new position. You can also move established shrubs or trees once they are dormant. Prepare the new hole first, lift rootball, firm in well, mulch and keep watered.

Start sowing sweet peas for next year. These should be overwintered under cover in a cool greenhouse.
Last chance to clean and tidy your greenhouse and get it ready for the winter. Check your cuttings to make sure they aren’t too wet and remove dead leaves and flowers to reduce pests and diseases. Insulate your greenhouse (bubblewrap is useful) and install heaters if using.
